Octocon 2009


As previously mentioned, Harry Harrison will be appearing at the 2009 Octocon convention in Dublin, Republic of Ireland, which takes place 10th and 11th October.

As part of the preparations for the con I conducted a short interview with Harry for the con website, which you can read here. There’s an intriguing note at the end, in which Harry hints at another book which is in the early stages of development…

The great thing about Octocon is that it is a big enough convention to attract great guests, but small enough to have a friendly atmosphere. Have a look around the Octocon website and you’ll see that there is an excellent mix of written SF, comics and films this year — it really looks like its going to be a good one.

The actual programme of events for the convention is in development, but there’s one panel planned featuring Harry Harrison which I’m really looking forward to. 🙂

You can now register online for the con and pay by PayPal – the cost for attending is €30 which was £27.14 when I registered a minute ago. You can also pay by cheque or postal order.

This post was brought to you in conjuction with McSwineys and Octocon Inc.

One Response to “Octocon 2009”

  1. Burin Bache Says:

    HH: “Call me up, George, I’ll be happy to work with you!”
    Now wouldn’t that be great? George Lucas and Harry Harrison working together on a new sci-fi movie….wether it would be based on a HH book or not.

    A big secret book…..aaah, the excitement. Well, I hope the new Rat-book will be published in Germany in 2010 too and not like “SSR joins the circus” which we still wait for. 😦

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